MTM Machine is a machine producer for defense and hunting industry located in Ankara,Turkey. It has a variety of machines all related with lead material processing. The philosophy of the company can be described as below;
Producing most reliable machines dealing with lead material for hunting and defense industry.
MTM Machine will produce the best machines in the world for leadshot, buckshot, leadcore and airgun pellet production. Smart technology will be applied to these traditional industries.
MTM Machine has a high qualified production team and all design, mechanical work and automation are done inside the company. This enables MTM Machine to have an absolute control on production.
During the manufacturing process MTM Machine follows all ethical standards and international instructions. In addition to manufacturing ethics, MTM Machine works closely with government agencies to develop special lead poisoning safety projects.
The headquarter of the company is in the skyscraper district of Ankara, Cukurambar. The production facility is located in Keresteciler Industrial Zone, very close to government operated TAI (Turkish Aircraft Industries Corporation) facility. One of all machines we produce is presense at a partner company's production site in Gediz, Kutahya. This allows us to see the performance of the machines in real production.
Business Occupation
MTM Technology
We offer various kind of machines for hunting products including leadshot, buckshot, leadcore, airgun pellet and hunting cartridge.
MTM Lead & Hunting
Offering a huge range of lead based products is the main occupation. Pure lead and antimonial lead for several industries are offered. Leadshot and buckshot is also available.
Bullet Electroplating Line
MTM offers electroplating line for CMJ bullets. This line can coat 125 micron copper on the leadcore. It will give the same effect of FMJ coating.