Double Line Leadshot Machine
Full Automatic
High Capacity
Perfect Roundness
Key-Turn Project
2 Years Warranty
Robust Body
Leadshot is mainly used in hunting and steel industry. Also some other sectors like shipyards use leadshot. Because it is used in traditional industries the production of leadshot has also a long history.
The most famous production technique is tower. However because of some environmental issues producing leadshot with machine is more reasonable. The technique we use called as "Bleimeister" technique. The melted lead is pured through small holes on the melting molds and the lead gets the round form. The size of the holes and many other factors gives the desired diameter of the lead ball which we call leadshot. This technique allows to produce maximum 3,50mm. diameter leadshot. The minimum diameter can be produced by this way is about 1,50mm. All diameters produced by this technique is called leadshot and named by numbers as below:
3.50 mm. #3
3.25 mm. #4
3.00 mm. #5
2.75 mm. #6
2.50 mm. #7
2.40 mm. #7 1/2
2.25 mm. #8
2.00 mm. #9
1.75 mm. #10
Full Automatic | : | From lead to leadshot full automatic manufacturing. |
High Capacity | : | Double capacity leadshot production. |
Perfect Roundness | : | 5 layer molding system. |
Key-Turn Project | : | Ready-to-use production system. |
2 Years Warranty | : | 2 years full warranty 10 years service guarantee. |
Robust Body | : | Quality iron and stainless steel body. |